Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Dear Blog.

..Just writing to let you know I've been thinking of you.

I know we don't spend as much time together as we used to, but I've been so busy. I know that's what you're here for. To share things with, to hear about my day, and all my thoughts, but sometimes I just want to forget about the day and sleep. I get so wrapped up in my life sometimes I have no time for you. In fact, I wonder if really you're just a product of my self indulgence. I know at the beginning we seemed like such a good idea, but now I'm finding less and less time for you. Don't worry though. I'm not giving up on us. You've been there for me for years, and some time apart will only make my next post more exciting.

Anyway, just to say some interesting things have been going on with me, I got contact lenses, an unconditional offer from Royal Holloway, which I'm very happy about, and new shoe laces (which i'm also very happy about, and in many ways were a more pressing concern than university places).

I've been working tons, and finding no time to revise. =[
But I've been earning lots =], meaning I have money to buy people Christmas presents =].
I have a really bad pain in the top of my right foot when I walk for more than 10 minutes, which I think is just a certain pair of shoes, but i'm worried it's a damaged tendon or something. It's quite uncomfortable. I'm almost definite it's the shoes though.

I've been trying to not let my jealousy get the better of me lately, and enjoying simple acts of friendship. Catching up and chatting. It's nice to know there's so many people I can turn to, even when I just want to know they're their, so if anything big came along, I wouldn't be alone.

I had an amazing weekend at Siobhan's. I'm so so in love. And that's scary, blog. But it's true. There's no way out without heartbreak. So here's hoping there's no leaving at all. Loving being all swept up in the whole thing.

Anyway.I really should sleep now, it being half 2 and all. Work tomorrow.
I'm not cheating on you, but i have been checking out tumblr. It  looks arty. You'll always be here for me though, fulfilling my base needs of rant and ramble.

You're a good friend blog. And although your spelling is sometimes awful, we have Rob, so that's ok.

Speak soon.

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